How can we bring cultural heritage closer to people? And show what objects and documents still have to tell us today?
How do we go about preserving heritage and ensuring that society in general maintains an interest in it?
A place of, culture and science - not to mention architecture, with all its attendant dabates. What is it about this "arts magnet that makes it so special?
Quo vadis,SPK
What is Europe's lagest cultural institution planning for the future? Which milestones need to be established? What is the added value of interconnecting highly diverse cultural institutions?
Das Sim wird100!
Soundlabor, Ausstellungsort, Geheimtipp: Das Staatliche Institut für Musikforschung feiert sein 100. Jubiläum.
Wegbereiter der Neuen Musik, Wunderkind, Popstar: Busoni der Moderne und ein lange vergessener Künstler.